What is business value really?
Ask 1,000 CEOs what growth is, and you'll get 1,001 answers.
We read all the reports from the big consulting firms. They say, "it has never been more challenging to achieve meaningful growth [through technology investments]." We don't know what they are doing, but we disagree.
To be blunt, if your investments are not yielding positive returns, then why go down that path? Operational efficiency is a valid expectation, but your business investments must also return net results. Period.
Well, that is one reason we are different. At 42, we are business people trapped in the bodies of technology geeks. Misfits to the core who were born to lead, guide, and empower organizations.
Of executives believe digital transformation efforts are helping them stay afloat, but aren't driving new growth.
Of digital transformation projects fall short of their goals despite stakeholder and leadership being aligned.